Les Pédaliers Paysans
Le Projet
Agro'nautes is an association of agronomy students (Montpellier SupAgro and AgroParisTech) whose goal is to explore innovative agricultural systems, in France and around the world, in order to report on their diversity and the means to democratize them. The entity is based at the center of one of France’s largest research hubs in this field, comprising the Institut Agro Montpellier, CIRAD and INRAe Montpellier. These educational centers work on a broad range of topics while promoting the agroecological transition and sustainable agricultural development. In the same vein, Les Agro'nautes primarily support sustainable, rural and small-scale farming and have implemented more than twenty projects around the world since 2015.
The richness of encounters
The project consists in attempting a comparative study of agricultural installation dynamics in southern France. From March to July 2024, 6 students will meet with farmers who want to pass on their farming operations, project leaders, associations and politicians. One of the points of these initiatives is to understand the issues encountered directly with those they affect.
The different actors
To do this, the students are working with local players who understand land access issues better than them (chambers of agriculture, NGOs such as Terre de Liens, etc.), with the aim of providing them with a useful report. They are also considering publishing their results by making their own podcast, by collaborating with local and/or specialized media outlets and by organizing workshops in schools to increase awareness among young people. The final step in this project will be to compile all their observations in an illustrated book.
projects undertaken by Les Agro’nautes around the world
At least 10
testimonies from farmers collected by the association