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Phinie, a solar farm in the Dominican Republic

Phinie, a solar farm located in the southern part of the Dominican Republic in the Municipality of Los Negros, Azua, has been injecting power into the grid since October 2023. The park has a capacity of 25 MWp and benefits from a long-term Government PPA for the purchased electricity. 


Supporting the energy transition in Dominican Republic

Phinie aims to be part of the energy transition sought by the Dominican Republic which is to reduce its carbon emissions by 25%, and to reach 25% of renewable energies by 2030.  For its construction, 400 people has been directly employed and 2,000 indirect positions. In operation, the plant will permit to maintain 24 jobs directly and another 90 indirect positions. 

The plant has high industry standards complying with international emission reduction protocols and good practices for reducing carbon footprints. 


The social project partnership between Phinie and Los Negros

During the construction on the Phinie plant, Los Negros city hall asked the Group to collaborate as a social project with an amount for the construction of a mortuary. That’s why a donation has been made to the city to contribute to local support: almost 20% of the total budget amount of the plant. The budget was transferred in two parts according to the mortuary work progress. 

Before the Donation, a public meeting was organized where the project has been presented to the Community, with the budget and layout. This project will generate approximately 20 jobs. 



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