Yicono: Electrification of a hospital and installation of a rainwater treatment system
The project
The Lycéens En Actions association arose from its founders’ desire to carry out solidarity development projects alongside high school students eager to use their technical skills to help others. In 2018, the association represented the energy-focused Paul Moreau de Bras-Panon high school (Reunion Island) and the Ouzioini high school (Comoros) to initiate collaboration with the Comoros organization IOIDE (Initiative Océan Indien pour le Développement). Together, they launched the Yicono project, whose main aim is to make the Ouzioini hospital sustainable and safe for the inhabitants of the southern part of Grande Comore island. All of the hospital’s functions will thus be covered, from the refrigeration of delicate products and medical equipment to the delivery rooms.
Self-contained lighting
The hospital now uses a photovoltaic plant that covers the structure’s autonomous lighting and diagnostic tool power needs. This new access to energy has also made it possible to treat rainwater and construct a drinking water outlet, thus enabling epidemiological risks to be reduced. Lastly, the Yicono project also comprises a maintenance training component.
Student involvement
All in all, 24 high school children have thus been to the hospital to undertake a week’s practical work experience with a Reunion-based water processing company and a Comoros-based company specializing in photovoltaics.
young people studying energy at the Paul Moreau high school
others from the Ouzioini high school directly involved in the project
10 000
people offered maintenance training