Agriculture and Biodiversity Symposium
The project
The LPO (Ligue de Protection des Oiseaux, the French league for the protection of birds) is a recognized public-interest association present throughout France. Originally created to protect birds over a century ago, the LPO now works to protect biodiversity in general and addresses all sections of the public. The NGO’s activity focuses on three areas: protection of species, preservation of natural spaces and education.
In October 2015, the Rhône-Alpes branch of the LPO, with the support of the Akuo Foundation, organized a symposium on the interactions between human activities and biodiversity in agricultural areas, thus bringing together around the same table representatives of the farming profession and the scientific community. The two-day event was attended by more than 150 people.

Each stakeholder left with a roadmap covering new areas of research to be developed, opportunities to work together on the ground in order to acquire data, the development of interdisciplinary groups to undertake experiments, and plans to increase awareness among public authorities.

Chambers of Agriculture present
video speeches