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The wind farm's kinetic energy allows the production of an energy that secures and increases the share of renewable energies in the energy mix.

Very competitive and decentralized, wind technology currently accounts for approximately 6% of the world’s electricity production. This is expected to rise to beyond 20% by 2030, according to the IEA (International Energy Agency).

L’énergie cinétique


projects currently operational



Wind farm: hybridization for permanent production

As some regions of the world are very sunny in the summer and very windy in the winter, combining these two technologies – with or without a storage system – ensures a balanced production.

Hybridization allows this production to be smoothed and the intermittence and network connection costs to be reduced.

For each territory, Akuo offers the best possible combination depending on that specific case and the various constraints and issues encountered.

eolien montagne

Wind farm projects: community

Because they must be acceptable to local inhabitants, each of our projects goes through a consultation phase involving local residents and elected officials. As the operator, Akuo is committed to establishing long-term beneficial cooperation. The program includes a public enquiry and co-construction workshops to determine the location and configuration (height, number of turbines…)

Our wind projects are often open to crowdfunding, which allows for global inclusion and the sharing of value created locally.

Éolien : des projets collectifs
Thomas blondot
“The co-construction of renewable energy projects enables us to have a long-term local presence”
Thomas Blondot
Chief Technology Officer

Eolymar : floating wind

Akuo is part of a consortium, formed with BlueFloat Energy and Sumitomo Corporation, prequalified for the sixth offshore wind tender in the Mediterranean (AO6). Called Eolymar (which evokes the wind and sea in the Occitan language), the aim of the consortium’s two projects is to:

  • Combine the complementary expertise of three offshore wind players, with 992 MW currently being developed in France (Yeu-Noirmoutier and Dieppe-Le Tréport offshore wind farms) and over 20 GW abroad,
  • Accompany the development of the local value chain by deploying a pan-Mediterranean strategic vision based on a portfolio of over 8GW in floating wind projects currently being developed in the Mediterranean basin,
  • Mobilize unique expertise in the development of floating wind projects thanks to one of the most experienced teams in floating power, overseeing more than 18 projects under development around the world,
  • Develop promising regional projects using a local team based in the Occitania region and in Marseille as well as recognized experience developing participative renewable energy projects in France, with almost 423 MWp either operational or under development in the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur and Occitania regions of France.

Building a wind farm: what does the repowering of a plant entail?

The repowering of an aging power plant consists in dismantling it and then reequipping it with new more powerful and less noisy technologies.

For each site, our teams rely on local biodiversity analyses and historical wind records in order to recommend the most appropriate transition.

As wind turbines are 90% recyclable, we notably choose our suppliers depending on the recyclability of the materials and components supplied.

In cases where repowering a power plant is not the best option, we promise to return the land to its owner in the same state it was before the plant was commissioned.

Le renouvellement d’une centrale

Wind: our commitments

  • Biodiversity and environment:

From the start of a project’s development phase, we undertake detailed assessments of the environmental and social impacts. Throughout the operational phase, we ensure that our commitments are respected and offset any impacts so that our fight against climate change is in line with local biodiversity challenges.

  • Acceptability and consultation:

To ensure that our projects are implemented with the approval and backing of local residents and elected officials, we put a strong emphasis on co-consultation. As a long-term operator, we strive for long-term beneficial cooperation with local stakeholders and make sure we share the benefits of the energy transition.

  • Recycling: 

Today, more than 90% of a wind turbine is recyclable, and so we work with suppliers of wind turbines and materials for all recycling options available. We pledge, once the plant is no longer operational, to return the land to the same state it was in before construction started.

  • Repowering: 

Repowering, described above, is one of Akuo’s key commitments: we provide comprehensive site analyses to define the best option and optimize energy production while defining the best business plan.

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