Réfugiés Bienvenue houses and shelters
The project
Help asylum seekers and refugees access education and training and assist their social and professional integration by offering them solidarity housing and appropriate social monitoring: that’s the mission of the Réfugiés Bienvenue (Refugees Welcome) association.
The solidarity shared accommodations
Following the initial support provided in 2021 for the association’s general missions, the Akuo Foundation has chosen to support Réfugiés Bienvenue’s solidarity apartment-sharing project that focuses on employment insertion measures.

A three-dimensional mecanism
This program aims to help isolated people, whether International Protection Beneficiaries (IPB) or French, who are in an insecure or precarious situation and have no accommodation solution. All the beneficiaries in a specific home are seeking employment in the same sector, which may be construction, catering, logistics or the arts. This project helps beneficiaries seeking emergency accommodation to access social and professional autonomy via measures combining housing, social monitoring and professional integration.

people accommodated in 2022
new beneficiaries welcomed in 2022
%rate of return to activity
cumulative nights of accommodation until 2022