Akuo pioneers renewable energy on Mauritius
Already firmly established on neighboring Reunion island, for several years now Akuo has been developing operations on Mauritius, which is experiencing rapid energy changes. In 2019 Akuo commissioned the island’s largest solar power plant Henrietta. This 17.5 MWp project supplies the grid daily by selling the power generated to the Central Electricity Board (CEB).
Akuo has also been one of the pioneers in the development of innovative storage solutions to regulate the island’s grid, implementing two first plants comprising 4MWh batteries in total for CEB in 2019.

Teams in action to support the Mauritian energy transition
In addition to Akuo’s first achievements on the island, our teams are keen to play a key role in the Mauritian government’s energy transition roadmap which aims to reach 60% of energy from renewable sources in the mix and to phase out coal by 2030.

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Akuo Indian Ocean

Of all the solutions proposed by Akuo, the agrivoltaics concept is particularly well suited to Mauritius. It makes better use of the territory by allowing farmers to work safe, irrigated land.