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The future of energy storage in Martinique

The Madinina storage plant is located in the municipality of Ducos on the French Caribbean island of Martinique. With a storage capacity of 19 MWh and a power output of up to 12 MW, this plant comprises 6 Storage GEM® containers, a modular storage solution developed by Akuo.


Optimization of the grid’s management

The plant was connected to the island of Martinique’s power grid in 2022 to enable its operator, EDF-SEI, to optimize its means of production. The operating of this system for a period of 15 years is, for EDF-SEI, a key element leading to greater penetration of renewable energies in the power grid.  In 2019, renewables accounted for less than 25% of the island’s energy mix, and the objective is to increase this to 56% by 2023 within the framework of the Programmation Pluriannuelle de l’Energie (PPE, the multiannual energy plan).

Easy to steer thanks to its EMS (Energy Management System) entirely developed by Akuo, the facility gives the operator the ability to store energy (for example when renewable production in the grid is plentiful) and put it back into the network at peak consumption times. The Madinina storage facility offers a substantial electrical power reserve that can be used on demand and can provide the grid with up to 12 MW for an hour, i.e. approximately 6% of the Martinique power grid’s maximum capacity (210 MW). 


Regulation of the network’s frequency during critical events

Storage GEM® technology regulates the frequency and ensures the grid’s stability, instantly reacting to critical events such as the accidental disconnection of a means of production from the grid.  The system has the ability to instantly detect any malfunctions and automatically provide the energy necessary to compensate for the loss of power.


Our CSR commitment

Ecological monitoring

The site’s fauna and flora will be monitored throughout the storage plant’s life cycle.

Wallacea Canopée expédition scientifique Indonésie Bali

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