A vegetable garden to eat properly and succeed at school
Antenna France was founded in 2002 with the goal of fighting child malnutrition, notably through the distribution of meals enriched with locally produced Spirulina. The actions it undertakes are based on Renourishing, Training and Empowering, co-constructed with local players to build a world in which everyone is in harmony with each other and the environment.
Training parents and creating a vegetable garden
The aim of this project is to fight malnutrition and school dropout in Togo. A lack of awareness of nutritional requirements causes deficiencies resulting in health issues, stunted growth and cognitive delays, which in turn have an impact on school attendance and results. Inexpensive and sustainable solutions exist: renourish children, train parents and create a vegetable garden at school. Combined with the sharing of knowledge, the garden increases children’s awareness of issues such as ecology, biodiversity and dietary diversification while training parents in a long-term and sustainable change in eating habits.

Environmental awareness
In terms of environmental benefits, the project sensitizes schoolchildren to the importance of protecting nature and to the consequences of our actions on the environment and contributes to educating people in good farming practices: setting up of a compost bin, use of biocidal plants instead of chemical fertilizers and insecticides.
1 in every 3
children in Togo is affected by malnutrition
young children and their mothers will be sensitized to better nutrition
More than 150 000
spirulina-based treatments have already been distributed by the association to people suffering from malnutrition since 2006.