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Greece, a territory for experimenting with the Akuo model

Our first solar project in Greece was launched in 2022 in the municipality of Larissa (4MWp). The electricity produced is sold directly on the spot market. This is a first step to fulfill our strong ambition in this country: providing a significant contribution to the national ambitions, which aims for 60% renewable energy by 2030.

Furthermore, Greece is made up of many islands which make it an ideal testing ground for the challenge of energy transition in non-interconnected areas. Akuo has been present in this specific segment for many years and will replicate these solutions on the Greek islands.

Grèce panneau solaire mer

Storage is a key for energy transition

In Greece, as in many other parts of the world, storage solutions and their ability to provide grid services are essential for energy transition. Akuo is one of the worldwide pioneers in this segment and intends to develop assets to bring this high level of expertise to Greece. We are exploring, wherever relevant, the implementation of storage solutions coupled with our renewable assets.

Reinforcing renewable energies through aggregation

Renewable energies have proven their long-term interest in reducing energy costs and increasing the autonomy of our mix. By partnering with Spyropoulos, Akuo enables the development of a new aggregator on the Greek energy exchange. GEARS (Green Energy Aggregator Services) is a ready-to-use solution for Greek solar energy producers that facilitates their access to the market and optimizes the value of their energy. GEARS currently aggregates more than 55MW and intends to grow in the coming years.

base de donnée grèce

Contact us at


Akuo Greece

  • Char. Trikoupi 31, 14562 Kifisia Greece

  • 22 Leoforos Kifisias, Maroussi, 15125 Athens Greece


Bureau grèce akuo
Kostas Andriosopoulos
Greece is booming thanks to exceptional natural resources but mostly thanks to a real political willingness to accelerate and implement energy transition targets. Akuo is fully committed to answering this call.

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