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Prospects and challenges

Akuo’s presence around the world is governed by a rationale of geographical diversification across five continents and of making our decentralized and sustainable renewable energy model available to as many people as possible.  

The solutions mastered by Akuo’s teams for many years now, combining – in an integrated manner – our Agrivoltaic models and sophisticated steered battery storage systems, provide a response receiving widespread support from communities that see, in these innovative concepts, the solution to becoming self-sufficient again, recreating local resources – both energy and food – and keeping inhabitants in the region by creating new jobs.  

Convinced that thanks to our renewable energy projects, we can provide a resolutely different approach to linking innovation, territories and communities, we position ourselves on local projects, always prioritizing co-construction with local inhabitants. This is the vision that drives us and that we want to share with as many people as possible. 

Perspectives et enjeux

Solar power: the cornerstone of the energy transition

An inexhaustible resource, available everywhere on Earth and now more competitive than fossil fuels, solar power has today reached maturity and has become essential.

Supplying renewable electricity is not the only goal of our solar power generation process

Akuo has been developing solar power production for more than fifteen years by installing dedicated power plants in all regions around the world. Beyond generating power, Akuo optimizes its solutions by providing tailormade responses to the social, environmental, and climatic needs and challenges of each region.

Le solaire : pilier de la transition énergétique

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